My book, SAVE. MAKE. DO. is unavailable at the moment but, for just $5, you can download a summary of the book here:
This summary is also free with every purchase of the Books and Recipes package deal, which includes two books: 500 Uses for Baking Soda and 400 uses for Vinegar, as well as free product samples.
Please also follow PigTits and Parsley Sauce on Facebook for hundreds of free tips and recipes.
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If you saw me on 7 Sharp tonight and you want to decrease your environmental footprint NOW simply STAY OUT OF THE SUPERMARKET. You will save money and your rubbish will instantly go down to next to nothing. Join my Facebook page (see link to the right) and check out the online shop where a few basic products (noodlemaker) plus books (my story Pig Tits and Parsley Sauce) and recipes will give you heaps of ideas and inspiration. You may not have the opportunity to do some of the “savey” things I can (with the farm) but there will still be heaps you can do – breadmaking and learning about baking soda are things everyone can do. If you are lucky enough to live near me or a MAKE franchise (see below) you should take the opportunity to do a hands on cleaning products and/or cosmetics work shop/class. Thousands of people have taken this opportunity and discovered there is a cheaper and more environmentally friendly live-style away from the supermarket. Join us.
Tauranga residents will be pleased to hear Lynda Hitchfield is launching her new MAKE franchise – Crazy Hair and Custard Squares… in Tauranga NOW.
If you are interested in making your own Cleaning Products and Cosmetics contact Lynda – Ph: 029 2300162 or home line: (07) 5740457
Expressions of interest can be taken now and Lynda will schedule workshops to suit. Email
Waikato people don’t forget Di Millow, The Dairy Farmers Daughter — for classes in Hamilton and wider area.
And Make cleaning products and cosmetics classes can be organised in the greater Kaitaia area with me – Lyn Webster Ph: 09 4094043 Email
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My appearance talking about the $1KYGS on The Project TV3 was published as a video on the News Hub Facebook page and got thousands of views and hundreds of comments. I am used to the postive comments from my 7500 followers on the Pig Tits and Parsley Sauce Facebook page as they understand what the $1000 a year grocery spend is all about and are interested in ideas for saving money, reducing waste and treading lightly on the environment…. so it was a bit shocking to see comments which ranged from people who simply don’t believe me, to some who think I must have a boring and depressing life and others who think I am trying to cover all my living expenses including power, rent and petrol with $1000.
So to clarify the $1KYGS is an attempt by me – a busy dairy farmer who milks 200 cows by herself- to spend only $1000 or less at the supermarket this year. I am not a farm owner but I lease (rent) land to milk my cows on. The $1000 budget covers groceries – food and other products, normally bought at the supermarket.
I will do this by utilising the resources I have available to me which includes, milk, eggs and home grown veggies. Also I am happily accepting any fish, meat or produce offered by neighbours (but I am not approaching them for it). This is possible because I cover most household jobs and personal ablutions with baking soda which I replace many branded products with ie: soap, shampoo, toothpaste, dishwashing liquid, household cleaner, laundry powder to mention but a few. Other cheap ingredients I use around the house are coconut oil, which replaces moisturiser, shaving foam and hair conditioner and white vinegar which is also a good antibacterial cleaner, deodorant, conditioner, fabric softener and more. Usng these types of ingredients not only saves you money as they are significanly less expensive than branded products but are also kinder to your skin and hair and mean less chemicals are going down the drain. I am also making a lot of food myself like bread, pastry, pasta – even my own flour and cheese etc how this is done is shown in photo pictorials which are published on the Pig Tits and Parsley Sauce Facebook page (see link at top right of this page).
So if you have ever complained about the cost of living and the prices at the supermarket then my books and recipes might just hold the key to you saving money and living a more healthy life personally and as a community. How do I know? Because I live my life this way – it is doable and you are not making yourself second best or downgrading. The key to avoiding a boring and depressing life does not correlate in any way with how much money you are spending at the supermarket – in fact I have found the opposite to be true. The supermarket can be seen as a trap with expensive unhealthy products, wrapped in plastic and packaged in small amounts to appear affordable but in fact are very wasteful. You can avoid them. Making your own products from inexpensive ingredients does not take time. Many of the techniques involve using baking soda in its pure form as a powder applied, and the same goes with a spray of vinegar or wiping cocnut oil on yourself… its not time, it’s know how and common sense. My books, recipes and free samples are available to spread the knowledge. For women simply choosing a menstrual cup at age 17 can save $10,000 over a lifetime – that is a good start for the deposit on a house.
So don’t dis people who are sharing their good and proven ideas with you – if you don’t like it move on, and if you want to save money, maybe Pig Tits and Parsley Sauce can help.
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