Pig Tits and Parsley Sauce

Slash your grocery bill by living sustainably

$100 Budget 27/6

Photo by Robert CharlesTo survive in modern times, we need to adapt to change.

Lately, with recessions  and so forth, this means getting out of  your comfort zone on an almost  continuous basis, which is tiresome,  particularly for no-longer-young-folk who  are happily stuck in their ways. But how  secure is your future?

The $100 a week grocery budget has been a great tool for me to fight back against the recession and see some cash build up in my bank account where no cash lingered before. Although for me the budget was borne from lack of funds, that may not be the case for all of us. What I am trying to say is that the concept of paying more attention to how much money is going out in grocery bills applies to all of us, rich and poor. Money wasted on unnecessarily expensive packaged products is better off in your own pocket, no matter who you are.

Here are some reasons I’ve heard why various people resist cutting back on grocery spending:

We’ve got plenty of money, so we don’t need to.

I have a teenage son.

My husband will have a fit.

My wife won’t do it.

I work, so I don’t have time.

The facts are that we don’t like change and so we dig our heels in. Here’s a hint: recognise that you are likely to be resistant to changing your spending habits. Set a lower budget and be prepared to feel uncomfortable in the beginning. Accept the feeling of anxiety but resist the temptation to return to your old ways. Look forward to the day where you feel confident using your new knowledge and skills, you’ve integrated the lower budget into your lifestyle and are enjoying feelings of familiarity, mastery and accomplishment. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen.

And this week, a camera crew came to visit from TV3. Watch out for me on Monday night on Campbell Live at 7pm.

Next week: Do you really know how much things cost?


  1. Hi there, saw you on Campbell live, it was neat what you have done. How do I get your recipes to make my own.
    Keep up the great work.
    We have been using washables instead of disposables which is saving us alot in our grocery bill, yea.

  2. Thanks for positive feedback. I received over 700 e-mails since appearing on TV!!!
    If you want to send me $10 and a SSAE I will send you recipes for most common household cleaning tasks. I have also imported 2 books from USA – 500 uses for Baking Soda and 400 uses for white vinegar – with these two books ($20 each, I have some for sale) and the recipe sheet; you will never spend/waste money on rip-off cleaning products again. This has been they key for me being able to stick to the $100 a week grocery limit and we have never been cleaner – or richer!! These products really work. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Kind Regards
    Lyn Webster
    112 Tate Road

  3. Hi Lyn
    What an encouragement to find a like minded person. At one stage last year I was forced to feed a family of 4, 2 cats and 1 large dog on $65 a week. THAT was a challenge. But it can be done short term.
    Keep up the good work.
    Justine Orme

  4. Hi Lyn
    Found your comments interesting. How many in your family? It is great to restrict to $100 but it depends on the number you are buying for.Does this include cleaning products as well as food?

  5. Im keen to make a change to using your recipies, Isnt it funny how we become so conditioned to buying stuff, my mother in law is in her 90’s, she remembers most of the cleaning in her day was done with kerosene.
    Anyway Im putting my cheque in the post, cant wait to start my new way of shopping, cheers Mihi

  6. Hi Lyn
    I’ve really enjoyed reading your articles over the last wee while and picking up some handy hints, Im a solo mum to two boys on a strict budget so have been bargain shopping for a wee while now. my biggest hint to anyone has always been to do a loop around the supermarket..essentials are on the outsides..fruit/veg/meats/milk/eggs/bread, only dive into an aisle for an item you have on your list and NEED..dont look elsewhere 🙂 choose a brand by price and ingredients..not all brands are equal, and sometimes the cheaper ones are actually better for you(budget/more expensive) ..for instance sant weetbix are the most expensive and if you read the ingredient list pams have the SAME ingredients..wheras signature range has crappy additives etc..
    best of luck you are doing really well with your saving

  7. Hi lynn
    Your budget advice is wonderful, for young Mother’s who have never had a help from a parent on how to bake,and manage a budget
    Also wondering if you could be married to a Cousin of mine,who i am trying to find after 50yrs.

  8. Hi Lynn
    Your website is great for young mother’s, who have never had the help,from a parent.or had to manage money. Do you have some recipes for meal’s. that i could pass on to a young Mother

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