What The Kids Ate
When something new is suggested our natural reaction is to put up barriers resisting the change. Most people seem programmed to question the new suggestion and I guess that is a survival instinct… you are going along OK as you are – why change? On the other hand, there is a small percentage of adaptable people who leap on board new things relatively quickly. The rest of us watch these change-meisters to see if they sink or swim before we are ready to take the plunge. And so, when someone suggests that you radically change your approach to the weekly grocery shop as far as cutting back by $200 or more – then, immediately, reasons as to why this is not possible spring to mind and lip.
Often the kids get used as an excuse. I have heard this a lot lately. ‘Gee, you are going well with your budget. I don’t know how you are doing it. We’d love to try it but we can’t because of the kids – they would never do it!’ In my experience it is not usually kids who are inadaptable to change. It is adults who get stuck in their ways. Kids are probably one of the most adaptable things on the planet.
I credit my daughters, Danni and Stevie, as being the second most positive thing that allow us to live on just $75 a week groceries. The first thing is the MAKE homemade cleaning products but more about that next week. The girls have been positive about the whole thing right from day one even though they have borne the brunt of most of the changes. We no longer buy cakes and biscuits in the groceries, but instead of crying, the kids have adapted and now I often find them baking, which is something we never really did before. Stevie (11) is a good cook and can whip up cupcakes at the drop of a hat. Anzac biscuits are a favourite and I came home the other night to find Danni (17) making pikelets which was impressive. Toasted sandwiches seem to be the snack of choice and we are always eating fruit now, a lot of it donated by friends and family and gratefully accepted.
Instead of expensive cereal for breakfast I start the day with toast and often enjoy a bowl of porridge (rolled oats) which is yummy, filling and easy on the wallet. The kids are more inventive, making French toast or eggy-in-the-hole as a good tummy-filler before school. In my opinion we are eating better on the budget than we were before.