Pig Tits and Parsley Sauce

Slash your grocery bill by living sustainably

I Feel Richer in so Many Ways

Just went to Bin Inn and got eggs, barley, rice, mayonnaise, brown sugar, soy sauce, fish sauce, corn starch, sesame seeds, peanuts, sunflower seeds and oyster sauce all for less than $30.  I’m having a go at Chinese cooking.  I took my own recycled containers and bread bags which I will re-use again and again.  What a great way to shop.

Unfortunately I fear Bin Inn is not as popular as it deserves to be and wonder if I will continue to have the option of shopping there in future years.  Bin Inn (Bulk food outlets) beat supermarkets hands down as a cheap and sustainable means of purchasing your daily supplies, and as you can tell by my list above, they have a fantastic range of goods available.  So if you are lucky enough to have a Bin Inn shop near you, support it. Supermarkets with their expensive pre-packaged goods are a huge trap for the unwary and will suck your resources dry if you are not wise.

I also stopped at the local fruit shop for fresh ginger and called in to the local butcher for some pork.  I got exactly how much I needed for my sweet and sour pork dish and didn’t have to pay for pre-packaging.  This is definitely the way to go.  It is worth it to make a concerted effort to change your habits and shop around a bit.  The three stops took no longer than a supermarket run, I spent way less money, enjoyed some friendly local service and did the environment a big favour. Win, win, win. I feel richer in three different ways.


  1. I would love to have a BIN INN in Upper Hutt. It would be awesome!!!. Lots of wins for shopping there. Kapiti Coast is a bit of a drive but could combine a trip with going to Otaki childrens outlet shops. Thanks again for your amazing example of smart thinking.

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