Pig Tits and Parsley Sauce

Slash your grocery bill by living sustainably

Thought I’d Share Some Feedback….

Here’s what some happy customers have been telling me lately… I totally recommend people invest in the Baking Soda and Vinegar books as the money saving and environmentally friendly ideas are inspirational.

I just wanted to say that I took the plunge and tried washing my hair with baking soda last night. I must admit that I was rather sceptical at first (and I suspect my husband thought I had finally lost it) but the results speak for themselves – my hair is soft and silky, and it even seemed to dry quicker so less time under the hairdryer which has to be a good thing. I am so impressed!

Thank you for your tips – I am going to try baking soda for a few other things around the house now.

Claire Cooke

I tell everyone that listens about what you are doing and about baking soda and vinegar. I am a complete convert and have found that with prices going up left right and centre, I am coping quite well as I try and shop and cook the basics and am happy with the results. My family aren’t complaining (maybe a little). My eldest daughter would like to have more snacks at home that she likes as she says everything takes a lot of effort (and she cant always be bothered), but I just smile and let her know that it isn’t worth her health or mine or her pocket. I get my baking soda, washing soda and glycerine from a lady in West Auckland and get mostly everything else at either my local bulk barn shop (no Binn Inn locally) and Pak N Save. I have been using the recipes that I used when I was home with my kids when they were little and I think very carefully about everything I spend money on and have cut out a lot of unnecessary expense. My hair is also behaving a lot better since I switched to baking soda and vinegar and found the tv programme by Petra Bagust very interesting about hair products. I could go on and on but must go now.

I hope things are good with you, keep up the good work.



I have to tell you that last night I tried baking soda as a facial scrub and today my skin feels so lovely and soft. Also, it didn’t dry my skin so I didn’t need to use as much moisturiser afterwards. To think that I have had a big tub of baking soda sitting in my kitchen cupboard for ages and I’ve never thought to use it for anything other than baking bread! I must have spent a fortune on shampoo and facial scrubs over the years – what a terrible waste. I am going to visit Bin Inn this weekend and stock up on this amazing ingredient. And I have also been raving about the benefits of baking soda to my friends and family back in South Africa. They are all rather sceptical at the moment but I will convert them in time 

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