HBTV Interview
Here’s me in the Chatroom, Hawkes Bay TV (scroll down to links and click link below right to see video (Chatroom Interview). Or click READ MORE for a direct link. If you have time to watch this take the 24 minutes… it epitomises exactly how I feel about our low grocery budget and the opportunities everyone has to save money. Enjoy. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tvhb.co.nz%2Fmedia%2Fchatroom%2F2011%2F07_July%2FChatroom_11-07-11.mp4&h=fAQBj1UaUAQB6ONJ2QyFsI3GO-x5UseFihvmpH4wJMIShOg